ez-Scripts – powered by AI and Machine Learning

Our system will use machine learning to help to determine the required medicines for the patients based on their symptoms which will be a value-added service to the doctors and also use an AI program to determine the possible conflicts of medicines for the patients based on their treatment plan which will substitute a need for a physical pharmacist.

Freedom Cash – a free digital wallet

Our digital payment mobile application will fill the existing gap of the financial services. Our system will build a digital wallet equivalent to our local currency. It will allow inter-banking transactions which will not only allow the users to transact money from their own bank accounts but also facilitates the transaction between different banks and multiple users too. This system can also be introduced to any small to medium enterprises too.

Loan Booster – a multi points credit risk analytics

Our solution would an innovative and game changer in this domain. We would be able to make a national database for loan applicants who are desperately seeking cash to improve their livings. This application will potentially improve their lifestyle to facilitate their financial needs. There are hundreds and thousands of small and medium business owners who would be benefited to get quicker access for extra capitals.